Additional Days School Year 2023-2024 Survey and Waiver Updates

ٲٱ: August 3, 2023
Subject: Additional Days School Year 2023-2024 Survey and Waiver Updates
Category: Additional Days School Year
Next Steps: Superintendent or designee complete survey by August 25 if applicable


The purpose of this letter is to provide local educational agencies (LEAs) with the Additional Days School Year (ADSY) 2023-2024 Implementation Survey and to inform LEAs of ADSY-specific waiver updates.

Additional Days School Year adds half-day formula funding for school systems that add instructional days to any of their elementary schools (Texas Education Code (TEC), §48.0051). Districts will generate half-day funding for each instructional day after their 180th instructional day up to their 210th instructional day. ADSY funding is available at the campus level and programs can utilize anywhere from one to 30 additional days with design flexibility as long as it meets eligibility requirements.

As a reminder, in order to be eligible for ADSY funding, participating campuses must meet all ADSY requirements, including:

  • Serve at least one grade level within grades PreK-5
  • Campus academic calendar(s) include at least 180 instructional days with 75,600 operational minutes, not including staff development waivers
  • Add up to 30 additional days of instruction in addition to the 180 instructional days in its regular academic calendar
  • Have a teacher meeting the LEA’s certification requirements deliver at least two hours of instruction on designated ADSY days
  • Host ADSY days separate from the regular instructional calendar days (e.g., ADSY days cannot be hosted in the second part of a regular instructional day)

For more information on ADSY requirements and implementation options, please visitand please review Chapter 11.5 of the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH).

Action Requested: Complete ADSY Survey by August 25th

ջ is requesting that all LEAs who anticipate utilizing ADSY funding in 2023-2024 complete the ADSY 2023-2024 Implementation Survey. This survey includes the submission of a school calendar with evidence of a 180-day instructional calendar, which will be used to verify eligibility compliance and serve as required evidence for any ADSY waivers in the 2023-2024 school year (see FYI below). The survey questions will also help identify projected ADSY implementation trends to better inform ADSY supports. You will find the link to the survey here:

Next Steps:

  • LEAs planning to utilize ADSY funding in 2023-2024 complete survey and submit 180-day calendar by August 25, 2023.

FYI: Updated ADSY Missed Instructional Days Waiver Information

Beginning in the 2023–2024 school year, participating campuses are eligible for up to five days of ADSY waivers for missed instructional days throughout the year due to weather, health, or safety reasons. These waiver days are for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the 180 days of instruction requirement and are distinct from the Missed School Day waiver.

Required Information (entered on waiver application):

  • LEA Contact (First Name, Last Name, Phone, Email)
  • Date of Board Approval
  • Campus(es) impacted (select “All Campuses” if applying for the entire district)
  • Reason for Missed School Day(s) (Weather, Health, Safety, or Other)
  • Date of Missed School Day(s)
  • Certification of Board-adopted 180 instructional day calendar for the current school year
  • Explanation of Reason for Missed School Day(s)
  • Supporting Documentation (submitted with waiver application):
    • Documentation for the reason for missed school day(s). Supporting documentation may be news articles, letter to parents, info shared with Board or district, etc.
    • Board agenda from meeting at which the waiver application request was approved.
    • Submission of evidence of a board-approved 180-day calendar via the ADSY 2023-2024 survey to verify ADSY eligibility. (Must be submitted prior to applying for the waiver.)

Next Steps:

If you need to submit a waiver for your district, please visit the ջL waivers system for additional information.


Additional information and resources regarding this program may be found Please contact the ADSY inbox with additional questions via email