Gifted/Talented (GT) Funding

ٲٱ: August 26, 2021
Subject: Gifted/Talented (G/T) Funding
Category: Funding
Next Steps: Share with financial officers, G/T coordinators, and campus administrators

The 87th Texas Legislature passedin 2021, which amends state law to create weighted funding for students being served in a G/T program. The legislation established that, beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, for each student a local educational agency (LEA) serves in their program for gifted and talented students, up to five percent of the LEA's students in average daily attendance, the LEA shall receive an allotment equal to the basic allotment multiplied by 0.07. The G/T allotment has a statewide appropriation limit of $100 million annually. These funds are in addition to the funds LEAs receive for their G/T programs under the basic allotment.

LEAs should continue to use the basic allotment to fund G/T program services in addition to funds received under the new G/T allotment. LEAs will be required to spend 100 percent of G/T allotment funds on their G/T programs. Funds provided by the new G/T allotment under Texas Education Code (TEC), §48.109, must be used “in providing programs for gifted and talented students under [TEC] Subchapter D, Chapter 29.” If an LEA uses part of these funds for Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate programs, for example, the programs for which funds are used must serve gifted and talented students, and the programs must be in compliance with requirements in, theState Plan.

LEAs must report all expenditures of program funds using Program Intent Code 21, and the expenditures must be allowable as determined by the newly enacted legislation. The LEA can use the current version of theFASRGfor reference regarding allowable expenditures.

If you have questions regarding this correspondence, please contact Gifted/Talented Education at (512) 475-0626 or


Monica Brewer

Statewide Coordinator, Gifted/Talented Education

David Marx, CPA

Director, Financial Compliance