2021 CTE TEKS Review Work Group Drafts

The career and technical education (CTE) Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) review work group drafts are posted for feedback. Feedback will be accepted in response to the CTE TEKS review work group drafts during the review and revision process.

When providing specific comments and recommendations, please identify the program of study in the subject line of the email. For example, in the subject line, please indicate "CTE TEKS Review-Early Learning." Please submit comments to ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó at teks@tea.texas.gov.

Cybersecurity and Programming & Software Final Recommendations, February 2022

The Cybersecurity TEKS work group reconvened in February 2022 to address feedback from business and industry representatives and to finalize its recommendations for revisions to three TEKS-based courses in cybersecurity: Foundations of Cybersecurity; Cybersecurity Capstone; and Digital Forensics.

The Programming & Software Development work group reconvened in February 2022 to discuss opportunities for alignment with the K-8 technology applications TEKS and finalized its recommendations for four courses: Fundamentals of Computer Science and Computer Science I-III.

The final recommendations for both work groups are below. Click on the link to download the final recommendations.

Cybersecurity Final Recommendations (PDF, 1,124KB)

Programming & Software Development Final Recommendations (PDF, 224KB)

Cybersecurity Draft Recommendations, January 2022

The Cybersecurity TEKS review work group draft recommendations are presented below. The gap analysis between the current CTE TEKS and industry standards report from SkillsEngine® was shared with the work group to inform their recommendations for revisions to the CTE TEKS. 

Cybersecurity Draft Recommendations (PDF, 1,133KB)

Proposed New CTE TEKS, First Reading and Filing Authorization, August/September 2021

Proposed new career and technical education (CTE) Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for courses the SBOE will consider for first reading and filing authorization are provided below. 

Education & Training and Human Services Career Clusters
Programs of Study: Early Learning and Teaching & Training

Proposed New Education & Training TEKS (PDF 1,444 KB)

Health Science Career Cluster
Programs of Study: Health Informatics, Healthcare Diagnostics, Healthcare Therapeutics, Medical Therapy, and Nursing Science

Proposed New Health Science TEKS (PDF 1,494 KB)

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Career Cluster
Programs of Study: Biomedical Science, Engineering, and Programming & Software

Proposed New STEM TEKS (PDF 1,396 KB)

Additional CTE Courses Eligible to Satisfy a Graduation Requirement in Science
Hospitality and Tourism Career Cluster: Food Science
Law and Public Service: Forensic Science

Proposed New TEKS for Additional Courses Eligible to Satisfy a Graduation Requirement in Science (PDF 1,069 KB)

CTE Draft Recommendations, June 2021

The CTE TEKS review work group draft recommendations are presented below. ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó partnered with SkillsEngine®, an affiliate of Texas State Technical College, to conduct a gap analysis between the current CTE TEKS and industry standards. The gap analysis report was shared with work groups to inform their recommendations for revisions to the CTE TEKS. 

CTE TEKS review work groups completed their recommendations for each of the programs of study scheduled for review. 

Education & Training and Human Services Career Clusters
Programs of Study: Early Learning and Teaching & Training

Education & Training Draft Recommendations (PDF 1,780KB)

Health Science Career Cluster
Programs of Study: Health Informatics, Healthcare Diagnostics, Healthcare Therapeutics, Medical Therapy, and Nursing Science

Health Science Draft Recommendations (PDF 2,385 KB)

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Career Cluster
Programs of Study: Engineering, Programming & Software, and Biomedical Science

STEM Draft Recommendations (PDF 2,180KB)

STEM Draft Recommendations Biomedical Science (PDF 1,414KB)

Additional CTE Courses Eligible to Satisfy a Graduation Requirement in Science
Hospitality and Tourism Career Cluster: Food Science
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security Career Cluster: Forensic Science

CTE Courses Eligible to Satisfy a Graduation Requirement in Science (PDF 1,477)

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