2023 CTE TEKS Review

The State Board of Education (SBOE) has authority for the review and adoption of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for each subject of the required curriculum. SBOE members approve educators, parents, business and industry representatives, and employers to serve on the review work groups. This page provides information regarding the 2023 review and revision of TEKS for a selection of career and technical education (CTE) courses.CTE instruction provides content aligned with challenging academic standards, industry-relevant technical knowledge, and college and career readiness skills for students to further their education and succeed in current and emerging professions.

Use the links below to navigate to a 2023 CTE TEKS review:

New Occupational Safety and Health TEKS

The State Board of Education (SBOE) adopted new TEKS in occupational safety and health in June 2023. Local education agencies (LEAs) must embed the new TEKS into the following courses beginning with the 2023-2024 school year: 

  • Construction Technology I 
  • Electrical Technology I 
  • Plumbing Technology I 
  • HVAC Technology I 
  • Masonry Technology I 
  • Agriculture Mechanics and Metal Technology 
  • Welding I 
  • Metal Fabrication and Machining I 
  • Oil and Gas Production II
  • Introduction to Culinary Arts 

To view the new TEKS, visit .

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CTE TEKS Review:
Career Preparation and Entrepreneurship

The review and revision of CTE TEKS for career preparation and entrepreneurship courses began in 2023.Work groups convened in February, March, April, July, and August for a series of meetings to make recommendations for revisions to the CTE TEKS for the two sets of courses.

Career Preparation and Entrepreneurship TEKS Adopted by the State Board of Education

The SBOE gave final approval to new CTE TEKS in career preparation and entrepreneurship on November 17, 2023. The new CTE TEKS are scheduled to be implemented in classrooms beginning with the 2024-2025 school year.

The new career preparation TEKS are available in , with “Adopted 2023” in the title.

The new entrepreneurship TEKS are available in , with “Adopted 2023” in the title.

Amendments to be Considered by the SBOE at Second Reading

Amendments to be considered by the SBOE for second reading and final adoption of proposed amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 127, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career Development and Career and Technical Education, Subchapter B, High School, and Subchapter F, Business, Marketing, and Finance, are provided on the documents below.

Final Recommendations August 2023

Work groups reconvened in July and August 2023 to address guidance from the State Board of Education and finalize their recommendations. To view work group final recommendations, click on the item to download the PDF. The SBOE is scheduled to consider proposed new TEKS for career preparation and entrepreneurship for first reading and filing authorization at its August/September meeting.

Draft Recommendations May 2023

Work group draft recommendations are posted for feedback. Feedback will be accepted in response to the CTE TEKS review work group drafts during the review and revision process.

To view work group draft recommendations, click on the item to download the PDF.

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CTE TEKS Review:
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics; and STEM

In summer 2023, ջ began a review of a second set of  CTE TEKS in agriculture and aviation maintenance. The review also includes two CTE courses that can satisfy a graduation requirement in science: Principles of Technology and Scientific Research and Design.  

Amendments to be Considered for Second Reading
(April 2024 SBOE Meeting)

Amendments to be considered by the SBOE for second reading and final adoption of proposed amendments to proposed new 19 TAC Chapter 127, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills in Career Development and Career and Technical Education, Subchapter C, Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, §§127.30, 127.45-127.58, 127.86, and 127.87; Subchapter O, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, §127.795 and §127.796; and Subchapter P, Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics, §§127.887-127.890 and 127.920, are provided in the documents below.

Proposed New TEKS, First Reading and Filing Authorization
(January/February 2024 SBOE Meeting)

The following document reflects the proposed new TEKS for CTE courses the SBOE will consider for first reading and filing authorization at its January 30-February 2, 2024, meeting. The rule text document for proposed new 19 TAC Chapter 127, Subchapter C. Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Subchapter O. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics; and Subchapter P. Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics, is provided below.

Documents under “Final Recommendations January 2024” below show revisions to the proposed new CTE TEKS that were recommended by the SBOE’s TEKS review work groups after the November 2023 SBOE meeting. These final recommendations have been integrated into the rule text that will be presented to the SBOE at the January/February 2024 meeting.

Final Recommendations January 2024

Work groups reconvened in November 2023 to finalize their recommendations. To view work group final recommendations, click on the item to download the PDF. The SBOE is scheduled to consider proposed new TEKS for first reading and filing authorization at its January 30-February 2, 2024 meeting.

To view work group draft recommendations, click on the item to download the PDF. Use the bookmark/document outline feature to navigate between programs of study and courses.

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster
Programs of Study: Agribusiness, Animal Science, Plant Science

Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Career Cluster
Program of Study: Aviation Maintenance

CTE Courses that Satisfy Science Graduation Requirements

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Career Cluster
Principles of Technology (Applied Physics and Engineering), Scientific Research and Design

Draft Recommendations September 2023

Work group draft recommendations are posted for feedback. Feedback will be accepted in response to the CTE TEKS review work group drafts during the review and revision process. Comments on drafts will help inform future work groups.

When providing specific comments and recommendations for a work group, please identify the work group in the subject line of the email. For example, in the subject line, please indicate "CTE TEKS Review Animal Science Feedback." Please submit comments to ջ at teks@tea.texas.gov.

To view work group draft recommendations, click on the item to download the PDF.

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster
Programs of Study: Agribusiness, Animal Science, Plant Science

Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Career Cluster
Program of Study: Aviation Maintenance

CTE Courses that Satisfy Science Graduation Requirements

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Contact Information

Curriculum Standards and Student Support Division
(512) 463-9581