Mathematics Achievement Academies Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The Mathematics Achievement Academies ecosystem includes opportunities for educators in grades K–5 to enhance their knowledge and skills in teaching mathematics. The academies cover topics like problem-solving, discourse, formative assessment, and content across the strands. Educators who complete the academies can receive stipends from ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó. The academies are also aligned with the state standards and the latest research on mathematics instruction.

What are the dates and locations of the academies?Ìý

Each regional education service center (ESC) will determine the dates and locations for the Mathematics Achievement Academy sessions that will take place.

When and how can teachers register?

Teachers can individually register for academies by contacting their ESC. Priority is given to teachers at campuses with 50 percent or more economically disadvantaged students.

Are sessions available in my district?

Contact your regionalÌýESCÌýfor district session offerings.

Will academy participants earn continuing professional education credits (CPEs)?

Participants will receive CPEs when they complete all three days of an academy. A participant will receive a certificate from the ESC to verify completion of the academy and the number of CPEs earned.

Will there be support for teachers after they return to their campuses and begin implementing the strategies they learned?

Yes. Relevant resources will be made available to academy participants on a designated website. Additionally, ESCs will be available to provide additional training, follow-up visits, and related support throughout the school year.

Will any resources be provided in Spanish?

Yes. Materials will be available in Spanish either on the support website and/or in participant materials that are provided at the academy.

After a participant completes a session will they be able to train other teachers at their campuses or elsewhere?

No. Only individuals who have been approved by the state to serve as trainers and who have either completed the trainer of trainers or who have been trained by master trainers may train others.

What materials may be shared with teachers who were unable to attend an academy?

While teachers who attend a mathematics academy are not eligible to train others on materials presented during the academies, they may share the activities or strategies presented with their colleagues.

What grade levels are available for sessions?

Visit the Mathematics Achievement Academies page for session information.


Who is eligible to attend an academy?

State law requires that ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó prioritize academy participation to public school teachers who teach at campuses at which at least 50 percent of the students are educationally disadvantaged.

Full-time educators who spend at least 50 percent of their day supporting students in mathematics, and/or who are assigned to teach math at the designated grade of the academy, are eligible to attend.

Can educators attend an academy on professional development or district in-service days?

Yes. If an educator attends an academy on a contracted workday, they are not eligible for a stipend.

Are teachers required to attend the academies?

The state does not require teachers to attend academies. A district might require a teacher to attend an academy. This would be a local decision.

Can a special education or bilingual education teacher attend an academy?

Yes. Special education or bilingual education teachers who are assigned to teach math at the designated grade of the academy will be eligible to attend.

Can an administrator attend an academy?

If space is available and teachers are not displaced, an administrator or other instructional leader may attend an academy. These individuals must commit to attending all day each of the three days the academy is offered. These individuals are not eligible for a stipend.

In addition, there are sessions tailored to instructional leaders titled:

  • Mathematics Achievement Academy OverviewÌýÌý
  • Mathematics Achievement Academy Leadership Based Implementation Support

Can an instructional coach, interventionist, or curriculum specialist attend a session?

An instructional coach, interventionist, or curriculum specialist who spends at least 50 percent of the time providing classroom instruction in math at the designated grade level is eligible to attend an academy and receive a stipend.


What is the fee for attending a session?

There is no fee to attend an academy. Any travel expenses related to attendance at an academy are the responsibility of participants and/or their districts.

Who is eligible to receive a stipend upon completion of a session?

For a participant to be eligible to receive a stipend they must meet the following requirements:

  • Attend the entire session
  • Spend at least 50 percent of their day supporting the instruction of students in mathematics
  • Attend a session on a day(s) they are not already receiving compensation or on-contract days

When and how will a teacher receive the stipend?

Academy participants must fill out an electronic stipend form during the academy session. Information will be collected and submitted to ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó. ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó will process payments to school districts and charter schools for disbursement to eligible teachers who complete an academy. Districts and charter schools are then responsible for ensuring that the stipend payment is issued to the teacher promptly.

Who should teachers contact with questions about their stipends?

Teachers should first contact their school or district business office, followed by the ESC responsible for the academy the teacher attended.

Who receives notification when a stipend payment is made to LEAs or charter schools?

Once stipend information has been verified and processed, correspondence from ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó will be sent to the district or charter school superintendent as well as to the business office at the email address on file inÌýÌýon the ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó website.

How can a school district or charter school change the name of the person receiving notification when a stipend payment has been processed?

The district or charter school AskTED administrator may at any time go into the system and edit the email address for the superintendent and CFO/Business Manager. ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó staff do not have the authority to make changes in AskTED.

What if a teacher has an emergency and misses part of the academy (one of three days or part of a day)?

If a teacher misses part or all of any of the three days the academy is offered, the teacher is no longer eligible for the stipend unless the teacher attends a different academy for all three days that the academy is offered.

What if a teacher is 15 minutes late or must leave early due to unforeseen circumstances?

It is acceptable for academy participants to miss no more than 15 minutes throughout the three-day training and still be eligible to receive the stipend.

Can a teacher attend two days of an academy and then make up the third day later to receive the stipend?

No. The teacher would have to attend all three days of an academy at a later date to receive the stipend.

Can a teacher refuse the stipend if they want to count the days as summer comp days? If so, what is the process for this?

A teacher has the option to refuse the stipend. TheÌýStipend Verification FormÌýthat academy participants are asked to complete provides an option for a teacher to refuse the stipend.

May teachers attend more than one academy and receive more than one stipend?

An eligible teacher may attend more than one mathematics academy if the teacher is assigned to serve students in more than one grade level and if space is available. However, the teacher is only eligible to receive one stipend in total for completing an original three-day mathematics achievement academy session.

What relevant information will teachers be required to provide?

To receive a stipend, each teacher will be required to sign and submit both a print and electronic stipend form. Teachers must provide the following information on the form:Ìý

  • Full legal name
  • District and campus names

How do I find my TSDS Unique ID?

For help obtaining your Unique ID, the following options are available:

  • Contact your campus registrar
  • Contact your district/charter Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) coordinator
  • Contact your ESC and ask to speak to the TSDS Unique ID Champion
  • Log into yourÌý