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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16`"=Sheet1  ;O! u3For the Twelve-Month PeriodDescription of ReimbursementsSuperintendentBoardMember 1Member 2Member 3Member 4Member 5Member 6Member 7Meals$LodgingTransportation Motor FuelOtherTotalLodging - Hotel charges.Motor fuel  Gasoline.Name(s) of Entity(ies)vA copy of the superintendent's current employment contract at the time of the School FIRST hearing is to be provided. cTitle 19 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 109, Budgeting, Accounting, and Auditing Subchapter AA, ,Superintendent s Current Employment ContractxIn lieu of publication in the annual School FIRST financial management report, the school district may chose to publish Qthe superintendent's employment contract on the school district's Internet site. ?Reimbursements Received by the Superintendent and Board MemberszOutside Compensation and/or Fees Received by the Superintendent for Professional Consulting and/or Other Personal ServicesAmount Received\Gifts Received by Executive Officers and Board Members (and First Degree Relatives, if any) Meals  Meals consumed out of town, and in-district meals at area restaurants (outside of board meetings, excludes catered board meeting meals).Amounts?Business Transactions Between School District and Board MembersV(gifts that had an economic value of $250 or more in the aggregate in the fiscal year)Ndisclosed in the summary schedule of reimbursements received by board members.b Note  An executive officer is defined as the superintendent, unless the board of trustees or the ]district administration names additional staff under this classification for local officials.ZAll  reimbursements expenses, regardless of the manner of payment, including direct pay, [Other: - Registration fees, telephone/cell phone, internet service, fax machine, and other Zreimbursements (or on-behalf of) to the superintendent and board member not defined above./School FIRST Annual Financial Management ReportwCompensation does not include business revenues generated from a family business (farming, ranching, etc.) that has no UIf published on the Internet, the contract is to remain accessible for twelve months.Transportation - Airfare, car rental (can include fuel on rental, taxis, mileage reimbursements, leased cars, parking and tolls).'relation to school district business. YNote - The summary amounts reported under this disclosure are not to duplicate the items INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICTThe template has been established to help the districts in gathering their data and presenting it at their School FIRST hearing. The template may not be all inclusive. ecredit card, cash, and purchase order are to be reported. Items to be reported per category include: Ended June 30 or August 31, 20XXqCommissioner's Rules Concerning Financial Accountability Rating System, Section 109.1001(q). Effective 8/1/2018.:q/ /I01"58H ;& ccB D $Zbh&nsu  dMbP?_*+%'Qt&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?M\\cole\XE739498S o[XXLetter (8.5 x 11")PRIV''''D\KhCknSMTJXerox WorkCentre 5845 PSLeadingEdgePageSizeLetterPageRegionDuplexDuplexNoTumbleResolution600x600dpiD1NRX o .  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