About Assessment Reports for Students in Discipline Settings


Counts and Percentages

Each count and percentage in the disciplinary action categories, (DAEP, JJAEP and Expulsion Without Placement) is reported by the length of the disciplinary assignment. The ranges in length of assignment are, 1 to 30 days, 31 to 60 days and more than 60 days. If a student was placed in a disciplinary action category more than once during a school year, his days in that disciplinary setting are combined for one total.

The same types of counts and percentages are available for all students except for those specific to the disciplinary reports, i.e. days in disciplinary setting and action type. These reports include the students with disciplinary records and the students without disciplinary records. This is made available for comparison data.



Passing Standards

The standards to meet expectations on TAKS and to meet ARD on SDAA/SDAA II change from year to year. Please keep this in mind when comparing counts and percentages across years. This does not apply when comparing groups within a particular year. Passing standards for TAKS-M were set by the state.

Contact Information

PEIMS Reporting Unit

Research and Analysis Division