Discipline Action Group Summary Report


The Discipline Action Group Summary Reports provide counts of students and discipline actions by the five discipline action groups at the state, region and district levels.

The data are compiled from the Summer (Collection 3) Submission of the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS), a statewide data system for public education information in Texas. School districts submit their data, which are defined in a yearly publication, the The links related to discipline data available at  of the TSDS TEDS Data Standards includes additional details about discipline data.

A PEIMS record (44425 Disciplinary Action Sub-Category) is required for each disciplinary action taken against a student which results in the removal from any part of their regular classroom program. These data are required by TEC Chapter 37 and by IDEA 2004.

These reports include students enrolled in public school districts and charter schools. The reports do not include students in private schools.

The reports are organized based on the following five discipline action groups:

  • ISS (IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION) - this action group pertains to all in-school suspensions whether full-day or part-day.
  • OSS (OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION) - this action group pertains to all out-of-school suspensions whether full-day or part-day.
  • DAEP (Disciplinary Alternative Education Program) - this action group pertains to all actions for students being placed or expelled to an on-campus DAEP or an off-campus DAEP for the current year or for a continuation from the prior year.
  • JJAEP (Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program) - this action group pertains to all actions for students being placed or expelled to a JJAEP facility for the current year or a continuation from the prior year.
  • EXPUL (EXPULSIONS) - this action group pertains to any expulsions without educational placement for the current year or a continuation from the prior year. This action group does not include any type of expulsion to a DAEP or JJAEP.

The disciplinary action groups are created based on disciplinary action codes. For the disciplinary actions and codes in 2021-22, please see For earlier years, please navigate to the desired year from

Reported Information

Three types of reports

Three different types of reports are available at the state, region and district levels:

1. Counts of Students and Discipline Actions by Discipline Action Groups

This type of report provides counts of students and discipline actions for each discipline action group by student group. The student groups include ethnicity, gender, economic, special education, and at-risk statuses.

  • The “NUMBER OF STUDENTS” column displays enrollment during the entire year, counting a student who was a member (served two hours or more a day) at some point during the year.
  • The “ACTIONS” columns include number of disciplinary action counts. (Please see Action counts and student counts below.)
  • The “STUDENTS” columns include number of students who received disciplinary actions. (Please see Action counts and student counts below.)
  • The “PERCENT” columns include the percentage of students who received disciplinary actions out of all students in the student group (i.e., the numerator is the STUDENT column and the denominator is the NUMBER OF STUDENTS column.)
  • The student groups include ethnicity groups, gender groups, special education, economically disadvantaged, and at-risk.
  • Special education (SPECIAL ED): Students who are participating in a special education instructional and related services program or general education program using special education support services, supplementary aids, or other special arrangements.
  • Economically disadvantaged (ECON. DIS.): Students with an of 01, 02, or 99 () are classified as economically disadvantaged.
  • At risk: At-risk statuses indicate whether a student is currently identified as “at-risk” of not meeting standards or dropping out of school using state-defined criteria (TEC §29.081, Compensatory and Accelerated Instruction). Local criteria are not included in this indicator code.

2. Counts of DAEP and JJAEP Placement Reason Types

This type of reports provides counts of discipline actions for the following categories by student ethnic and gender group.

  • Discretionary DAEP Placements
  • Mandatory DAEP Placements
  • Discretionary JJAEP Placements
  • Mandatory JJAEP Placements

A placement of a student in a DAEP or a JJAEP can be mandatory or discretionary, depending on the disciplinary action reason. Please see  of the Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS) for more details.

3. Counts of Students and Actions by Discipline Action Reasons

This type of report provides counts of students and discipline actions for each discipline action group by disciplinary action reasons. For the disciplinary action reasons and codes in 2020-21, please see  For more detailed code definitions, please see
 For earlier years, please navigate to the desired year from .

These reports additionally include counts of students and actions for the cases where mandatory actions were not taken.

Until 2017-18, the same information included in this report was also presented in a different format as Counts of Students and Actions by Discipline Action Groups and Discipline Action Reasons.

Action counts and student counts
One record is created for each disciplinary action taken against a student which results in the removal from any part of their regular classroom program. The discipline records are aggregated as action counts and student counts in the Discipline Action Group Summary Reports.

  • Action counts: Each discipline record is counted as one action. For example, three discipline records of a single student are counted as three actions.
  • Student counts: Each student is counted as one student. For example, one student with three discipline records is counted once.

Note: Certain values are masked to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requirements. Please see the note at the bottom of each report for more details on masking.