Free Trainings for Texas Principals: Excellence in Remote Instruction

The goal of this project is to ensure principals have access to knowledge and tools to drive remote learning instructional and program improvement in their school and community. ջ conducted a series of training sessions on Introduction to Remote Learning, Driving Remote Instruction Quality and Improvement, and Building Staff Capacity to Deliver Remote Instruction. Recordings and related materials are linked below. ջ is also offering a series of Office Hours for principals and their teams to discuss best practices in remote instruction with expert support staff.

To register for the final training series or Office Hours click the link below:

Sessions: Timeline and Registration

Module A: Introduction to Remote Learning

Leaders need to deeply understand what high-quality remote learning is and looks like to create a vision for effective, site-level implementation. This session will focus on building leader knowledge about the research base behind, components of, and essential student supports for remote learning (synchronous and asynchronous, analog and digital) in order to set up a vision and structures for success.

By the end of the session leaders will

  • Understand what remote learning is and looks like, including having clarity on terms and structures for implementation and action.
  • Identify research-based drivers for implementation of remote learning with quality and rigor, including: remote instruction, strategies for supporting learning at home, and addressing whole-child needs.
  • Explore resources and points for action.
  • Experience remote learning with varied modalities to offer reflection points and ideas.
  • Click the links below for materials related to Module A:
    • Module A Recorded Webinar:
    • Module A Presentation slides:
    • Module A/B/C Principal Resource Guide: Download a PDF copy

Module B: Driving Remote Instruction Quality and Improvement

Effective instructional practices are key to achieving student outcomes in remote learning implementation. Leaders need to understand, organize their resources around, and monitor progress towards remote instruction excellence. This includes putting in place effective teaching and learning practices, ensuring educators align teaching to objectives for mastery, use data strategically to assess and plan, and personalize through differentiation and opportunities for choice-making. This session will ensure leaders are prepared with specific resources and strategies to put theory into action with their teams.

By the end of the session leaders will

  • Learn about key quality drivers for remote instruction, including how to organize teaching and modality around mastery of standards, collect and use data to assess and drive instructional action, and personalize to differentiate and engage based on unique student needs.
  • Identify ways to align their school leadership teams to support implementation.
  • Identify specific resources and strategies to apply now and in the future to execute these instructional practices.
  • Experience remote learning with varied modalities to offer reflection points and ideas for future action.
  • Click the links below for materials related to Module B:
    • Module B Recorded Webinar:
    • Module B Presentation slides:
    • Module A/B/C Principal Resource Guide: Download a PDF copy

Module C: Building Staff Capacity to Deliver Remote Instruction

Remote instruction requires educators to build new mindsets and skillsets. Leaders need to ensure that teachers are ready and supported to implement and improve upon new instructional approaches through effective professional development (which likely also needs to be delivered in a sustained way through remote means). In this session, leaders will explore key steps that need to be taken to implement effective, online professional development that’s personalized to individual teacher needs and readiness.

By the end of the session leaders will:

  • Explore the research-base on and specific strategies for executing effective adult online learning.
  • Translate theory to action through four key steps to implement effective school-level professional development that is personalized to individual teacher needs.
  • Identify at least one strategy to immediately apply to current work, plus additional strategies to consider for future growth.
  • Experience remote learning with varied modalities to offer reflection points and ideas for future actions.
  • Click the links below for materials related to Module C:
    • Module C Recorded Webinar:
    • Module C Presentation slides:
    • Module A/B/C Principal Resource Guide: Download a PDF copy

Office Hours

We are offering additional support to clarify, review, or discuss any of the topics and resources that we provided throughout the sessions that we have hosted. Registration is required, and conversations will be informal and respond directly to your needs. Register for the Office Hours sessions at the links below.

TAA:“Excellence in Remote Instructional Delivery” Training for Principals