LASO Cycle 3

LASO Cycle 3 application is now open! It will close on December 13th at 5 p.m. CT.

  • Unique Application Links were sent to Superintendents on October 14th. If you did not receive a link, please to request a new link.
  • If you would like to review a PDF copy of the application, please use this for information only. A formal Qualtrics application, signed by the Superintendent, will need to be submitted in Qualtrics by December 13th 5:00 p.m. CT to be considered for a LASO 3 Grant.

In October 2024, ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó is continuing to offer streamlined, consolidated grant applications, focused on a few grant programs that are bundled and that help accelerate academic gains. The Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) is the next iteration of a universal consolidated application cycle that strategically batches grant funding opportunities that are supporting with continued learning acceleration and innovation opportunities.Ìý

LASO Cycle 3 program grants are focused on three of the five learning acceleration strategies: Curriculum & Instruction, More Time and Innovative School Models.Ìý

LASO Cycle 3 consolidated grant application opens October 14, 2024 and closes on December 13, 2024 at 5:00 P.M. CST.

in services and supports
ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó initiatives to support learning acceleration and innovation
LEA program application to access funding

Strong Foundations Planning (SFP)

High Level Program Description

Strong Foundations Planning provides direct grant funds to LEAs for technical assistance to develop a strong instructional framework in math or literacy based in the research-based instructional strategies (RBIS) to guide teaching and learning in the LEA.

Best-Fit for LEAs who are looking for:

  • High-quality professional learning (HQPL) on the math or literacy research-based instructional strategies (RBIS)
  • Support in developing an instructional framework in math or literacy to guide key decisions about teaching and learning in the LEA
  • Diagnostic of the current state of instructional materials and instruction
  • Support in developing an instructional framework rollout plan and deciding whether to adopt high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) to achieve the instructional goals of the LEA

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • Approved Provider | Contract with an Approved Provider for Strong Foundations Planning.
  • Leadership Team | Form a leadership team that includes representation from key district leaders.
  • Stakeholder Committee | Form a stakeholder committee that includes representation from key stakeholders in the LEA (e.g., board members, district leaders, school leaders, curriculum specialists, instructional coaches, teachers, families/caregivers, community members).
  • Collective Learning | Ensure all members of the leadership team and stakeholder committee complete the research-based instructional strategies (RBIS) collective learning series.
  • Instructional Framework Development | Create a vision, identify key beliefs and action steps, gather input from stakeholders, and develop an RBIS-aligned instructional framework in math or literacy.
  • Instructional Framework Rollout | Conduct a diagnostic of the current state of instructional materials and instruction and develop an instructional framework rollout plan.
  • Participation of Senior Leadership | Participation of at least 1 senior district leader (e.g., Superintendent, Chief Academic Officer) at monthly communities of practice.



  • Eligible applicants are LEAs. LEAs that previously participated in the Strong Foundations Framework Development Grant in SY2022-23 and/or Strong Foundations Planning Grant in SY2023-24 and/or SY2024-25 are NOT eligible to apply for the same content area awarded in previous grant cycles.

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available: ~$24 million
  • Estimated range of award: $120,000 to $300,000
  • Estimated number of awards: 100 to 200 LEAs

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date: February 2025
End date: August 2026

Contact Information

Strong Foundations Implementation (SFI)

High Level Program Description

Strong Foundations Implementation provides direct grant funds to LEAs for technical assistance to support high-fidelity implementation of the Texas open education resource (OER) instructional materials, including high-quality professional learning for teachers, instructional coaches, school leaders/campus administrators, and district leaders on effectively implementing OER.

Best Fit for LEAs who are looking for:

  • Implementation supports for the Texas OER instructional materials
  • Technical assistance to develop a district-level instructional materials transition plan and campus-level implementation action plans
  • High-quality professional learning (HQPL) for teachers, instructional coaches, school leaders/campus administrators, and district leaders
  • Ongoing job-embedded supports (e.g., unit and lesson internalization, lesson rehearsal, student work analysis, observation and feedback, progress monitor)

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • Board Approval | Ensure approval by the board of trustees of the district to use the instructional materials and evidence showing classroom teachers support the use of the instructional materials.
  • Approved Provider | Contract with an Approved Provider for Strong Foundations Implementation.
  • Materials Access | Provide print materials for all teachers and students and ensure digital access and rostering (if applicable). Print materials are not included in the grant, and LEAs must purchase all print materials required for implementation.
  • Fidelity of Implementation | Implement the instructional materials with fidelity, including following the year-long scope and sequence, meeting the minimum number of instructional minutes, and using the curriculum-embedded assessments.
  • Professional Learning | Ensure teachers, coaches, and school leaders/campus administrators attend all required professional learning and job-embedded supports.
  • Participation of Leaders and Coaches | Ensure participation of at least 1 school leader/campus administrator per participating campus and at least 1 coach per instructional materials.



  • Eligible applicants are LEAs implementing approved core instructional materials in school year 2025-26.
  • Approved core instructional materials pending approval by the State Board of Education through the Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) process include:
    • Texas OER K-5 RLA (Edition 1) in English
    • Texas OER K-5 Math (Edition 1) in English
    • Texas OER Secondary Mathematics (Edition 1) in English, including Grades 6-8 and Algebra I
  • Additional pilot approved core instructional materials include:
    • Texas OER K-5 RLA (Edition 1) in Spanish
    • Texas OER K-5 Math (Edition 1) in Spanish
  • An LEA is eligible to apply to both SFI and IL grants, but in the event that both are awarded, the LEA must select their ESC as their provider for both SFI and IL.
  • SFI programming will be limited to support of OER implementation and IL programming will be limited to non-OER support.

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available: ~$58 million
  • Estimated range of Award: $200,000 to $1,610,000
  • Estimated number of Awards: 100 to 200 LEAs

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date: February 2025
End date: August 2026

Contact Information

SFI School Improvement PLC Supports (SFI SI PLC)

High Level Program Description

SFI School Improvement PLC Supports provides direct grant funds to LEAs for technical assistance for Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to support high-fidelity implementation of the Texas open education resource (OER) instructional materials in Title I and Federally Identified campuses participating in Strong Foundations Implementation (SFI).

Best Fit for LEAs who are looking for:

  • Additional implementation supports for the Texas OER instructional materials, including K-5 Reading Language Arts, K-5 Math, 6-8 Math, and/or Algebra I
  • Facilitation of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) focused on internalization of the Texas OER instructional materials, including support for a campus PLC facilitator through a gradual release of responsibility
  • Extra support for CSI/TSI/ATS campuses

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • Approved Provider | Contract with an Approved Provider for Strong Foundations Implementation.
  • Approval to Participate | Ensure Superintendent and Chief Academic Officer (or equivalent leader) approves to participate in the program.
  • Participation of Campus Lead | Ensure participation of a campus lead for each participating campus.
  • Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) | Ensure teachers are able to attend ongoing PLCs during the school year focused on internalization of the Texas OER instructional materials.
  • Participation of PLC Facilitator | Ensure participation of at least 1 PLC facilitator per campus who assumes responsibility for facilitating PLCs through a gradual release of responsibility model.
  • Submission of data | Submit all required data, as requested by ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó, including teacher identification numbers, class rosters from each campus, deliverables using ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó-provided templates, and surveys of teachers, coaches, school leaders/campus administration upon request.



  • Eligible applicants are LEAs awarded Strong Foundations Implementation (SFI) for school year 2025-26 implementing approved core Texas OER instructional materials in campuses with a 2024 federal accountability identification, including Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), and Additional Targeted Support (ATS) campuses.

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available: ~$14 million
  • Estimated range of Award: $75K-$150K per campus
  • Estimated number of Awards: 100 to 180 campuses

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date: March 2025
End date: August 2026

Contact Information

Instructional Leadership (IL)

High-Level Program Description

The instructional leadership pathway will provide training, implementation support, and one-on-one coaching to campus and district leaders to build their own capacity and that of the educators they manage. Approved providers include all 20 education service centers as well as vetted vendors with a history of strong results working with campuses and districts in Texas.

Best Fit for LEAs who are looking for:

  • Support to establish foundational Instructional Leadership infrastructure and enabling systems
  • Instructional leadership coaching tools and resources
  • Technical assistance to develop schoolwide culture routines to promote a productive learning environment, collaborative planning structures, short cycle coaching for teachers and leaders, and expectations for data analysis practices
  • Ongoing, job-embedded instructional leadership capacity building support for district leaders, school leaders/campus administrators, and instructional coaches

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • Approved Provider | Contract with an Approved Provider for the Instructional Leadership Pathway.
  • Assign a Campus Intervention Team | Must include the District Coordinator of School Improvement (DCSI), the campus principal’s supervisor (if not the DCSI), and a campus level project manager to oversee fidelity of implementation.
  • Participation of School leader/campus administrator | Ensure participation for each participating campus.
  • Adherence to Training Scope and Sequence | Ensure teachers and leaders attend all required professional learning and create space in their calendars to complete role specific action steps recommended by approved provider’s capacity building program.
  • Academic Calendar Design | Ensure academic calendars are built to accommodate the required number of professional development days for selected instructional leadership pathway for leaders and teachers.



  • LEAs have Title I served campuses with federal identifications at the time of application (Comprehensive Identified, Comprehensive Re-Identified, Comprehensive Progress, Targeted Support, or Additional Targeted Support in the 2024 federal accountability identification).
  • Campuses in the grant must remain in operation and Title I served for the 2025-2027 school years.
  • An LEA is eligible to apply to both SFI and IL grants, but in the event that both are awarded, the LEA must select their ESC as their provider for both SFI and IL.
  • SFI programming will be limited to support of OER implementation and IL programming will be limited to non-OER support.

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available: ~$41 million
  • Complete Instructional Leadership Package with Product Support |~$115-$215K per LEA
  • Complete Instructional Leadership Package without Product Support |~ $95-$195K per LEA
  • Observation & Feedback + DDI | ~$50-$100K per LEAÌý
  • Estimated number of Awards: ~200 LEAs

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date: March 2025
End date: August 2027

Contact Information

Technology Lending Grant (TLG)

High Level Program Description

The Technology Lending Grant program awards grant funds to school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to provide students with the equipment necessary to access and use digital instructional materials at school and at home. The equipment purchased through this grant for a local technology lending program becomes the property of the LEA.

Best Fit for LEAs who are looking for:

  • Classroom or student-facing technology to support the implementation of high-quality tier-1 and supplemental instructional materials
  • Funding to supplement the purchase, maintenance, and insurance for equipment for a technology lending program

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • Current Equipment and Tech Plan | Applicants must provide the availability of existing equipment to students in the LEA and other funding available for the purchase of student technology devices. ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó may request the LEA's technology plan.
  • Evidence of Implementation | The LEA may, upon ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó request, provide any performance data necessary to assess the success of the program.
  • ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó Available Materials | The LEA must ensure that devices will be prioritized for classrooms and students using ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó Available Instructional Materials.
  • Training | The LEA must provide the teacher, associated instructional coach, and students with training in the proper use of the device within 90 days of installation of the device in the classroom.



  • Eligible applicants include school districts and open-enrollment charter schools.

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available: ~$5 million
  • Estimated range of award: LEAs can receive up to ~$225K
  • Estimated number of Awards: 50-100 LEAs

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date: February 2025
End date: April 2026

Contact Information

Blended Learning Grant (BLG)

High Level Program Description

The Blended Learning Grant opportunity has two distinct cohorts and associated purposes that applicants will select from:

  • Blended Learning Planning cohort supports school districts and open-enrollment charter schools through a planning stage to design and subsequently implement a high-quality blended learning model in math (through Math Innovation Zones - MIZ) and reading language arts (RLA) aligned with a High-Quality Instructional Material curriculum (HQIM).
  • Blended Learning Strategic Operations cohort supports school districts and open-enrollment charter schools in leveraging a blended learning model to make a strategic operational shift to scheduling, staffing, and/or budgets to optimize campus staffing models and maximize academic impact.

Best Fit for LEAs who are looking for:

  • A high-quality blended learning model in math and literacy
  • The creation of a coherent Tier 1 curriculum and supplemental product strategy
  • The implementation of a performance management system, such as weekly Data-Driven Instructional meetings, to drive student usage of supplemental math or RLA products
  • The continuation of previous instructional strategy work through Strong Foundations in LASO 1.0, 2.0, TCLAS, or CRIMSI (prior participation required for eligibility)

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • Planning Deliverables | The LEA will submit planning documents such as a master schedule, assessment calendar, and stakeholder engagement plan.
  • Project Management | The LEA will designate a district-level project manager dedicating approximately 50% of their time to designing and implementing the Blended Learning plan.
  • Implementation | The LEA must use an online curriculum, including an adaptive software program and Tier 1 High-Quality Instructional Material, both approved by ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó.
  • Training | The LEA will complete all required training to build competency in the online curriculum.
  • Communities of Practice | The LEA will participate in required communities of practice and additional grant program meetings.

Do-Now Consideration

Actions or artifacts needed at time of application submission include Software Usage Scoring Attachment for the Strategic Operations Cohort, based on provided supplemental product vendor data for spring 2024.



  • Blended Learning Planning: LEAs who have previously participated or are currently participating in strong Tier 1 math and/or reading curriculum planning ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó initiatives.
  • Blended Learning Strategic Operations: LEAs who have previously participated in ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó Blended Learning Grants and shown high usage in approved supplemental products for math and/or RLA for grades K-8 in spring 2024.

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available: ~$6 million
  • Estimated range of award: Up to ~$275K (Planning); Up to ~$370K (Strategic Operations)
  • Estimated number of Awards: 10 LEAs (Planning); 14 LEAs (Strategic Operations)

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date: March 2025
End date: April 2027

Contact Information

Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles (APCSP)

High Level Program Description

APCSP is an introductory college-level computing course that introduces students to the breadth of computer science fields. Students are introduced to foundational concepts of computer science and challenged to explore how computing and technology can impact the world.

Best Fit for LEAs who are looking for:

  • Support for increasing CCMR outcomes for high school students
  • Support for building a computer science CTE pathway for students
  • Support for purchasing equipment and supplies for an APCSP course
  • Support for providing a FREE AP exam for students enrolled in an APCSP course
  • Support for planning professional development opportunities for APCSP teachers

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • Planning and Implementation Expectations | The APCSP course will be published in the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 course catalogs with enrolled students beginning Fall 2025.
  • Teacher Recruitment and Retainment | The LEA will recruit teachers for the APCSP course and train them through a College Board-approved professional development provider.
  • Course Curriculum and Materials | The LEA will select an appropriate course curriculum and purchase the necessary equipment, technology, and materials needed for student success in the course and on the AP exam.
  • Student Support Plan | The LEA will provide the support necessary for students to succeed in the course and on the AP exam, which may include work-based learning opportunities and field trips.
  • Sustainability Plan | The LEA will plan for the continuation of the APCSP course beyond the life of this grant.
  • Evidence of Implementation | During the grant, LEAs will share data, strategies, and details with ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó in response to a survey each semester.

Do-Now Consideration

Plan a district goal, identify who will manage the grant, and consider the budget needed to reach the district’s goal for this APCSP opportunity. Respond to questions in the application and, if awarded, be ready to complete the eGrants application in March.



  • Only Local Education Agencies (LEA) are eligible to apply.

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available: $1.292 million
  • Estimated range of award: $10,000 to $100,000
  • Estimated number of Awards: 12 to 130

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date: March 2025
End date: April 2027

Contact Information

Additional Days School Year (ADSY) Summer PEP

High Level Program Description

High-quality, evidence-based summer learning programs help to prevent summer slide, i.e., learning loss created by the lack of student engagement in rigorous content between academic school years. Local Education Agency (LEAs) with Prekindergarten through 5th grade campuses are eligible for this grant. This grant provides LEAs with a supported planning process to design and implement a summer program aligned with research-based best practices in academics, operations, and enrichment activities.

Best Fit for LEAs who are looking for:

  • Support in incorporating evidence-based practices that have been shown to reduce summer learning loss and improve student outcomes
  • Support from summer learning experts to use data to guide summer program design and implementation
  • Support in developing an ADSY-eligible instructional calendar (currently 180 days, not including staff development waivers) at participating campuses

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • Planning Deliverables | The LEA will complete and submit a cross-departmental Strategic Plan and related artifacts during the yearlong planning process, before Summer 2026 and Summer 2027 programs begin.
  • Project Management | The LEA will designate a project manager who will lead the work for summer and attend all professional development workshops, calls with the designated ESC technical assistance provider, and head a steering committee to complete the Strategic Plan.
  • High Quality Instructional Materials | The LEA agrees to utilize high quality instructional materials for math and reading language arts instruction as defined in the program requirements.
  • Summer Program Parameters | The LEA will design a research-based summer program of at least 25 days, with 3 hours each day dedicated to math and reading, and add 25-30 additional instructional days to the 180-day academic calendar.
  • Evidence of Implementation | Conduct approved pre- and post-summer assessments for the summer program and share program effectiveness data with ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó, including student outcomes and attendance.



  • Any Local Education Agency (LEA) intending to utilize ADSY funding for a summer program at campuses that serve at least one grade level from PreK-5 may apply.
  • ADSY eligibility requirements, such as a 180-day instructional calendar, must be met by the 2026-2027 school year (TEC Sections 48.0051 and 25.085(j)).

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available: $750K
  • Estimated range of award: $60K to $125K
  • Estimated number of Awards: 6-10 LEAs

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date: May 2025
End date: April 2027

Contact Information

School Action Fund (SAF)

High Level Program Description

School actions are whole-school strategies districts use to increase access to high-quality schools, meet community needs, and address chronic underperformance. School districts receive support to improve schools and provide communities with the schools and programs they want, need, and deserve.

Best Fit for LEAs who are looking for:

  • An opportunity to address previously unmet community needs and/or support chronically underperforming campuses
  • Programs to support changes to campus and district systems to enable better student experiences
  • Opportunities for struggling campuses to integrate multiple supports and strategies such as HQIM, RBIS, and new academic and staffing models

Key Program Commitments To Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • School Action Selection | The LEA team will select one of the eligible school actions (Restart, Create a new school, Reassign, or Redesign), Governance type, and Model for each campus during the application.
  • Data-informed Evaluation Process | The LEA will use quantitative and qualitative evaluation processes and criteria for selecting the school action and model for specific campus(es) to be supported by this grant.
  • Commitment to a Whole School Action | The school action design must align to the LEA’s overall strategy for support and intervention in low performing schools and/or the LEA’s strategy for expanding high-quality school choices for students and families.
  • Communication and Engagement | Implementation of the school action will be communicated to all community stakeholders, including staff, families, community leaders and the LEA will solicit feedback.
  • Project Manager | Districts will identify a qualified and experienced project and program manager/LEA staff member to coordinate planning and implementation of the grant.
  • District Support | LEA-level Business/Finance Office staff responsible for overseeing grant expenditures and draw down processes must attend at least two ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó meetings per semester.
  • HQIM | LEAs commit to fidelity of implementation of high-quality instructional materials integrated into implementation of chosen action(s) and model(s).

Do-Now Consideration

Actions or artifacts needed at time of application submission:

  • Consider how SAF grants may interact with other grants, such as Strong Foundations or Instructional Leadership.
  • Confirm selected campus, or campuses, is/are on the posted SAF Eligibility list.



  • Eligible applicants are LEAs that apply on behalf of schools that are Title I-serving and Comprehensive Support-identified or Targeted Support-identified, based on school year 2023-2024 ratings.
  • For new schools, there must be clear Title I-serving, Part A eligibility and intent to obtain Title I-serving status for SY 2026-2027 and beyond.
  • A campus may not have received any School Action Fund (SAF) grants – Planning, Continuation, or Implementation – since 2019-2020.
  • A campus may not receive any SAF grants, including TCLAS Decision 10 and any LASO SAF grants.

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available: $8 million- Direct; $2.5 million- In kind
  • Estimated range of award: $185K to $375K per campus
  • Estimated number of Awards: 36 campuses

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date: March 2025
End date: June 2026

Contact Information

Early College High School (ECHS)

High Level Program Description

The Early College High School (ECHS) program offers campuses an opportunity to plan to build an Early College High School within their district. This program offers opportunities for campuses to provide targeted supports for historically underserved students through rigorous instruction and accelerated postsecondary courses. The program provides academic and wrap-around strategies that help students succeed in college-level coursework at no cost to the students.

Best Fit for LEAs who are looking for:

  • An opportunity for individualized technical support in planning to build an Early College High School (ECHS) within their district
  • Opportunities for campuses that are new to the CCRSM network and have not received any prior ECHS grants
  • An opportunity to deepen their partnership with an Institution of Higher Education (IHE) to fully develop and offer a rigorous program of study that leads to the successful completion of an associate degree at no cost to the student

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • ECHS Model Planning and Implementation | LEAs will engage in 12-18 months of ECHS model planning and implementation design elements and requirements aligned to the ECHS Blueprint.
  • Crosswalks | The LEA and IHE will develop course equivalency crosswalks which lead to Level I and Level II certificates, associate degrees, or completion of the Texas Core Curriculum to provide stackable credentials as students advance in the academic pipeline.
  • Personalized Learning Environment | The ECHS shall collaborate with its IHE to personalize the learning environment for students by developing individualized student plans for ongoing academic support, filing a degree plan, and the attainment of long-term goals. The ECHS and IHE shall develop robust college and career advising systems to support student plans and academic progress.

Do-Now Consideration

Actions or artifacts needed at time of application submission include identifying an accredited higher education institution(s) for postsecondary opportunities.



  • LEAs serving students in Grades 9-12, or will begin serving students in Grade 9 or students in Grades 9 and 10 in the first year of implementation (2026-2027) and will progressively scale up by adding at least one grade level per year after the first year of implementation.
  • Current ECHS planning, provisional, or designated campuses are not eligible to apply.
  • Previous recipients of ECHS Planning and Implementation Grants or LASO - ECHS Grants are not eligible to apply.

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available: $800K
  • Estimated range of award: Up to $80K per LEA
  • Estimated number of Awards: 10 LEAs

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date: February 2025
End date: April 2027

Contact Information

Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH)

High Level Program Description

The Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program is an open-enrollment initiative that offers campuses an opportunity to plan to build a P-TECH within their district. Designed to support historically underserved and at-risk students, P-TECH schools offer opportunities for students to earn a high school diploma while simultaneously earning industry-based certifications and/or an associate degree on or before the sixth anniversary of a student's first day of high school.

Best Fit for LEAs who are looking for:

  • An opportunity for individualized technical support in planning to build a P-TECH within their district
  • Opportunities for campuses that are new to the CCRSM network and have not received any prior P-TECH grants
  • An opportunity to deepen partnerships with local business and industry entities to provide targeted work-based learning experiences that lead to the earning of industry certifications
  • An opportunity to deepen partnerships with an Institution of Higher Education (IHE) to offer a rigorous program of study that leads to the completion of an associate degree at no cost to the student

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • P-TECH Model Planning and Implementation | LEAs will engage in 12-18 months of P-TECH model planning and implementation aligned with the P-TECH Blueprint.
  • Crosswalks | The LEA and IHE will develop course equivalency crosswalks that lead to Level I and Level II certificates, associate degrees, or completion of the Texas Core Curriculum to provide stackable credentials as students advance in the academic pipeline.
  • Personalized Learning Environment | The P-TECH shall collaborate with its IHE to personalize the learning environment by developing individualized student plans for ongoing academic support, filing a degree plan, and setting long-term goals. The P-TECH and IHE will also create robust college and career advising systems to support student progress and ensure collaboration between the two systems.
  • CTE Program of Study | P-TECH campuses shall provide a ÈËÆÞÓÕ»ó CTE program(s) of study for students in grades 9-12 that combines high school and postsecondary courses leading to an approved industry-based certification(s).

Do-Now Consideration

Actions or artifacts needed at the time of application submission include identifying accredited higher education institution(s) for postsecondary opportunities and local industry partner(s) for work-based learning experiences at every grade level.



  • LEAs serving students in Grades 9-12, or will begin serving students in Grade 9 or Grades 9 and 10 in the first year of implementation (2026-2027) and will progressively scale up by adding at least one grade level per year.
  • Current P-TECH planning, provisional, or designated campuses are not eligible to apply.
  • Previous recipients of P-TECH Planning and Implementation Grants or LASO-P-TECH Grants are not eligible to apply.

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available: $1 million
  • Estimated range of award: Up to $100K per LEA
  • Estimated number of Awards: 10 LEAs

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date: February 2025
End date: April 2027

Contact Information

Grant Portfolio

The following grants are included in LASO Cycle 3 portfolio.ÌýThe information provided here outlines initial estimates and potential awards for LEAs. Please note that these details are subject to further refinement and updates as the grant process progresses.

Curriculum & Instruction

Rigorous, high-quality instructional materials designed to make up ground and master grade level TEKS

More Time

More time for the students in most need, including expanding instructional time in the summer and with targeted tutoring

Innovative School Models

Innovative school models to incorporate all of the learning acceleration framework

Strategy Grant Estimated Funding Source of Funds Tentative Award Range Tentative Number of Awards
Curriculum & Instruction Strong Foundations Planning $24M Rider 76 (SF)
Rider 94 (HB 1605)
$120KÌýto $320K 100 - 200 LEAs
Curriculum & Instruction Strong Foundations Implementation $58M Rider 76 (SF)
Rider 94 (HB 1605)
$200K to $1.61M 100 - 200 LEAs
Curriculum & Instruction Strong Foundations Implementation School Improvement PLC Supports Grant $14M Title 1 $75K - $150K per campus 100-180 LEAs
Curriculum & Instruction Instructional Leadership
(Includes Product and TIL Supports)
$41M Title 1 $50K - $215K per campus Up to 200 LEAs
Curriculum & Instruction Technology Lending $5M Rider 8 Up to $225K 50-100 LEAs
Curriculum & Instruction Blended Learning $6M Rider 68 Planning - up to $275K​
Strategic Operations- up to $370K​
10-14 LEAs
Curriculum & Instruction AP Computer Science Principles $1.292M Rider 74 Up to $100K Up to 130 LEAs
More Time Additional Days School Year PEP Summer $750K Rider 39 Up to $125K 6-10 LEAs
Innovative School Models School Action Fund
(with Additional Days School Year Full Year Redesign)
$8M Title 1 $185K - $375K (per campus) Up to 36 campuses
Innovative School Models Early College High School $800K Rider 58 Up to $800K 10 LEAs
Innovative School Models Pathways in Technology Early College High SchoolÌý $1M Rider 58 Up to $100K 10 LEAs

Webinars & Office Hours

Program Date and Time
General Webinar
  • October 1, 2024 | 10:00 - 11:00 AM (Option 1)
  • October 3, 2024 | 3:00 - 4:00 PM (Option 2)
Strong Foundations Planning
Strong Foundations Implementation +
SFI School Improvement PLC Supports Grant
Instructional Leadership
(Includes Product and TIL Supports)
Technology Lending Grant
Blended Learning Grant
Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles
Additional Days School Year Summer PEP
School Action Fund
(with ADSY Full Year Redesign)
Early College High School
Pathway in Technology Early College High School
Technical Assistance

Communication Roadmap

Month Information to be Released LEA Recommended Actions
August 2024
  • Review the grant portfolio and timelines
  • Register for the webinars
  • Review Best Fit guidance for criteria that meets LEAs needs
September 2024
  • Review the grant one-pagers to align with LEA needs
  • Review FAQs for better understanding
  • Review Eligibility and Prioritization guidance
October 2024
  • Attend the general webinar
  • Start the application
  • Attend the program specific webinars
November 2024
  • Updated FAQ
  • Office hours
  • Continue completing the application
  • Review the FAQ as needed
  • Sign up for office hours for assistance
December 2024
  • Application closes
  • Submit the application
January 2025
  • Interviews (if applicable)
  • Attend the interviews (if requested)
February 2025
  • Award Announcement
  • eGrants application opens
  • Review the award letter (if awarded)
  • Complete the budget in eGrants application
March 2025
  • Notice of Grant Award (NOGA) released
  • Review the NOGA and begin implementation and drawdowns

Resources & ESC Toolkit

Title Description

General Overview

The Overview Deck contains information on key components of this cycle, application timeline, and key resources available.ÌýThe FAQ contains all the questions submitted so far to support deeper understanding of what LASO Cycle 3 has to offer.
Grant-Specific One Pagers Preliminary grant information such as program descriptions and commitments, eligibility, timelines, and funding.
Grant Best Fit Guidance Provides criteria to help ESCs determine if a grant fits LEAs needs.
Eligibility and Prioritization Guidance Eligibility and Prioritization Guidance helps LEAs determine ability to be awarded.
State Approved Provider List OER and Instructional Leadership Pathways.

ESC Toolkit

Use the Office Hours slide deck to learnÌýabout the grants offerings ahead of the LEAÌýwebinars. The ESCs Served List is a reference to identify the ESC serving your LEA. The FAQ will support deeper understanding of LASO Cycle 3.