10-Day Review Window Notice for Confidential 2024 Results Driven Accountability (RDA) Reports

ٲٱ: September 19, 2024
Subject: 10-Day Review Window Notice for Confidential 2024 Results Driven Accountability (RDA) Reports
Category: RDA Data and Reports
Next Steps: Share with appropriate staff

The purpose of this letter is to notify local educational agencies (LEAs) of the 10-business day review window to review the confidential (unmasked) 2024 Results Driven Accountability (RDA) district report, data download and significant disproportionality (SD) data in the Accountability application accessible through the ջ Login (ջL).

LEAs have 10 business days to review these reports and contact the Performance-Based Monitoring (PBM) team at the ջ (ջ) with any questions or concerns about the confidential data. PBM plans to release the 2024 RDA unmasked reports in ջL on Thursday, September 19, 2024. The review window starts on September 20, 2024, and closes on October 3, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.

Key Differences Between Confidential and Public RDA Reports

The confidential, unmasked data in ջL are related to the RDA indicators and SD analyses, including the assigned performance levels (PLs). However, they do not include the PLs for the Federally Required Elements (FREs) and the RDA program area determination levels (DLs). Once the 10-business day review period ends, the final public RDA reports will be processed, which will include the FREs and the DLs for the three RDA program areas—Bilingual Education/English as a Second Language/Emergent Bilingual (EB/ESL/EB), Other Special Populations (OSP) and Special Education (SPED). The final RDA public reports will be published on the webpage in November 2024. The data in these publicly available reports are masked to protect student confidentiality, per the .

For information on the 2024 RDA indicators, please refer to Chapter 12 — Results Driven Accountability (RDA) and Appendix K — Results Driven Accountability (RDA) of the 2024 Accountability Manual.

2024 Dates — STAAR Alt-2 Participation and FREs

LEAs will be able to see STAAR Alt-2 Participation data (SPED Indicator #5 [i-iii]) in ջL on September 19, 2024. Please note that these data were not available on the date that unmasked data was released in ջL for the 2023 year. FRE data will be posted for LEAs to view in ջL by October 31, 2024. ջ will communicate this same 2024 information at a September 19, 2024, LEA webinar. The link for the September 19, 2024, LEA webinar is posted on the RDA website.

Accessing the ջL Accountability Application

To access the LEA’s RDA confidential data:

  1. Log into ջL ()
  2. Select the “ACCT – Accountability” application listed among the available applications
  3. Click on the “Performance-Based Monitoring” tab to view the LEA reports

If you do not have a ջL username and password or need access to the “ACCT – Accountability” application, please follow the ջL request process outlined on the ջ Secure Applications webpage. The ջL site also provides guidance for resetting forgotten passwords.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the confidential data in ջL, please contact the ջ PBM Division by phone at (512) 463-9704 or by email at pbm@tea.texas.gov.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.