PDSES Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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The SSES application is closed. The application will open again on February 3, 2025, as the Parent-Directed Special Education Services (PDSES) application.

The SSES+ Medically Fragile program will permanently end on December 6, 2024, and we are no longer accepting applications. Parents that have SSES+ Medically Fragile accounts will have until December 6, 2024, to spend these funds.

FAQ Topics:

Click on the links below to jump to that section:

If you have a question not on this list, please contact us at PDSEShelp@region10.org.

General questions about PDSES

What is the Parent-Directed Special Education Services program – previously, Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES)?

The Parent-Directed Special Education Services (PDSES) program is a one-time $1,500 online grant for parents of eligible students served by special education and who are enrolled in a Texas public school. The PDSES program allows parents to pay for goods and services that provide a direct educational benefit to their child. PDSES parents can utilize the funds for educational items such as technology, educational curriculum, supplies, additional tutoring, therapy, or other specialized services.
Regardless of whether a student with a disability receives PDSES, the student’s school must still meet all federal and state special education requirements to provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to the student, including the determination of whether the student requires compensatory services. In other words, PDSES goods and services are offered above and beyond what is required by a student’s school to ensure that the student receives FAPE.

What is the difference between the PDSES program and the Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES) program?

The PDSES program is the same as the SSES program, just with a new name to better reflect the importance of parents as decision makers in the educational process, Parent-Directed Special Education Services (PDSES). The SSES application is now closed. The PDSES application will open for the 2024-2025 school year on February 3, 2025. Families with current SSES applications will still be awarded accounts based on the order they applied. “Any reference to Supplemental Special Education Services Program, supplemental special education services, supplemental special education services instructional materials, or SSES in state law and ջ materials is to be considered synonymous with the PDSES program.” 19 TAC §102.1601(a).

The same students who were eligible for the SSES program are eligible for the PDSES program. If students already received an SSES grant, they will not be eligible for a PDSES program grant.

Who can apply for PDSES?

Applications must be submitted by the student’s "parent", defined as “a resident of this state who is a natural or adoptive parent, managing or possessory conservator, legal guardian, custodian, or other person with legal authority to act on behalf of (the) child”. ()

If the applicant is in question, the PDSES program may ask for documentation to resolve any disputes.

Are accounts available per child or per family?

The PDSES program provides $1,500 accounts for each eligible student. Parents with more than one eligible student are encouraged to apply for each eligible student.

Where can the most up to date information about the PDSES program be found?

The is the best place to learn about the PDSES program. The PDSES team updates and adds to the information on this website and FAQs regularly. Be aware of external websites that have PDSES information or are promoting their service or products, as these websites are not affiliated with ջ, and may give incorrect or misleading information. Report any such websites to PDSEShelp@region10.org.

Need help?

The PDSES Team: PDSEShelp@region10.org or 1-855-773-3839, for:

  • General PDSES questions
  • Questions about the PDSES application
  • Finding or adding a service provider
  • Finding specific items on the marketplace
  • Ordering from a Direct Pay vendor

ClassWallet – the On-line Marketplace: help@classwallet.com or 877-969-5536, for:

  • General online marketplace questions
  • Order status
  • Returning items
  • Items not received or issues with a delivery
  • Account access
  • Issues with toggling between students
  • Password reset
  • Order cancellations
  • Refunds

SPEDTex: inquire@spedtex.org, , or 1-855-773-3839, for:

  • General special education questions
  • Help with creating a My SPEDTex account

Questions about the PDSES eligibility criteria

Who is eligible for a PDSES account?

To be eligible for the PDSES grant, students must currently be:

  • enrolled in a Texas public school, grades PreK-12 (including students enrolled in 18+ programs) AND
  • served in a special education program.

Note: Students who previously received an SSES or PDSES grant are not eligible to receive another grant.

For more information about eligibility, visit or the PDSES eligibility criteria page.

How does the PDSES program verify a student is eligible?

The ջ (ջ) uses “Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) codes to verify eligibility in order to award accounts for the PDSES program." ()

Each school year during the month of October, all districts and charter schools in Texas provide ջ a “snapshot” of all students enrolled in their district. Commonly known as “Fall Snapshot Data,” this is the PEIMS data ջ uses to verify PDSES eligibility.

Do 504 students qualify for the PDSES program?

No, students served under section 504 do not qualify for the PDSES program as they are not served through special education. Read here for more information about section 504.

Are students ages 18 and older eligible for PDSES?

Possibly. To qualify, students must be currently enrolled in an 18+ program at a Texas public school district or charter school and have not yet graduated.

Are students in private schools eligible?

No. Students must be currently enrolled in a Texas public school district or charter school. Additionally, students who are enrolled in a private school but receive special education services through proportionate share are not eligible for the PDSES program. According to 19 TAC §102.1601(c), students must be “currently enrolled in a Texas public school district or open-enrollment charter school who are served under an individualized education program (IEP) in a special education program.”

Can a student qualify for both the PDSES and SSES+ Medically Fragile programs?

No. The SSES+ Medically Fragile program is considered a special part of the PDSES program. Students who qualify for SSES+ Medically Fragile receive all the benefits of the PDSES program plus extra benefits. Only students whose PEIMS coding lists them as “Medically Fragile” qualify for SSES+ Medically Fragile.

For more information, see the SSES+ Medically Fragile Eligibility Criteria one-pager.

Applications for the SSES+ Medically Fragile program are no longer being accepted. The application for the SSES+ Medically Fragile program closed permanently on March 15, 2024. Parents that currently have SSES+ Medically Fragile accounts have until December 6, 2024, to spend their funds.

Questions about the PDSES application process

When can parents apply?

The PDSES (formerly known as SSES) application is closed for the 2023-2024 school year. The application will open again on February 3, 2025. Although the name has changed, the eligibility rules of the PDSES program remain the same. PDSES is still a one-time grant and, if a student’s parent has previously received an SSES or PDSES account, they will not be eligible to apply again.

How can parents find out more about the application?

The PDSES program team will send out updates and reminders through email. If a parent, teacher, administrator, etc. would like to join the email list, they can fill out the interest form below:

Will there be a paper application submission process for parents without internet access/technology?

No. The PDSES application can only be completed online. The system is compatible with mobile devices, but it is recommended to use a computer or tablet to complete the application.

Does the PDSES program prioritize accounts?

Yes, the PDSES program “prioritize[s] the awarding of accounts based on applicants qualifying for the National School Lunch Program and available funds” (). ջ uses the student’s “” in Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) to determine if a student qualifies for the National School Lunch Program.

The “economic-disadvantage-code” is determined for each student at the beginning of the school year or during enrollment. Students who are eligible for free or reduced lunch (FRL), as determined by their “economic-disadvantage-code”, will likely receive accounts before students that are not eligible for FRL.
Student eligibility in the National School Lunch Program is based on the individual student’s family income. To see income eligibility please . This is different from a district or school providing free lunch for all students. Parents should contact their child’s school if they have questions about their student’s “economic-disadvantage-code”.

Appeals for a student’s FRL priority status will NOT be accepted. This status will be updated once a year for eligible applications on the waitlist (if one exists).

The award decision email says, “placed on a waitlist”. How long should this process take?

All applicants will get an immediate email from the PDSES program (noreply @jotform.com) confirming the application has been received.

Each year after the application window closes, the PDSES program will notify parents of their child’s eligibility status. Parents whose child is eligible will receive an email that describes the process of funding their $1,500 PDSES account in the ClassWallet marketplace. The PDSES program has limited funds available. If there are not funds available, eligible applications are placed on a waitlist in the order of when their application was submitted and their prioritization status (more about how the PDSES program prioritizes accounts). Funding applications on the waitlist may take time, and unfortunately, the PDSES team is unable to provide an estimate on when applications are ready to be funded. Parents should expect a monthly email that provides updates on the funding status of their application.

The award decision email says, “student does not qualify for the PDSES program”. If a parent believes the student is eligible, what should they do?

Each year after the application window closes, the PDSES program will notify parents of their student’s eligibility status. Parents whose students are determined not eligible will receive an email stating their student does not qualify and will be provided an opportunity to appeal.

If a student recently became eligible to receive special education services or enrolled in a Texas public school for the first time, the PDSES program may not have received this data and requires additional paperwork or documentation to prove eligibility. This includes students that an Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee only recently determined special education eligibility and developed the student’s individualized education program (IEP). We encourage these parents to complete the appeals process.

For more information about the appeals process, visit the PDSES Appeals FAQs.

Can a PDSES application be cancelled?

Yes. An SSES or PDSES application can be cancelled for several reasons. A parent can request the application be cancelled or the PDSES program will cancel an application if it is determined that the application was submitted by someone other than the student’s parent.

Questions about using your PDSES account

Once a ClassWallet account is awarded, is there a time limit to login, an opt-in policy, or activation requirement?

Yes. After being awarded a PDSES account, parents must complete the activation requirement within 30-days of receiving their account email from ClassWallet. To complete the activation requirement, parents MUST:

  1. login using the email they applied with AND
  2. agree to the PDSES Parental Acknowledgment and Agreement (if a parent has more than one eligible child, an agreement for each child must be completed).

Failure to do these two things may result in closing of an account and a loss of funds. Account holders will receive multiple reminders to complete this activation requirement.

What if a parent did not know about the opt-in and activation requirement and missed the 30-day window to activate the account?

Parents can reach out to PDSEShelp@region10.org, and the PDSES team will provide next steps. Determinations will be made on a case-by-case basis, but these requests are not normally approved. Parents of students that do not complete the opt-in and activation requirements will be allowed to apply again if their student is still eligible.

What if a student is no longer eligible when their parent receives an account?

Parents should contact the PDSES team at PDSEShelp@region10.org and inform them that their student no longer meets the eligibility criteria.

To be eligible for the PDSES grant, students must currently be:

  • enrolled in a Texas public school, grades PreK-12 (including students enrolled in 18+ programs) AND
  • served in a special education program.

“Parents and guardians who receive an award notification but whose student no longer qualifies shall notify ջ of their student's change in eligibility status.” .

After receiving the ClassWallet account welcome email, how does a parent access their funds?

Once parents have received their account award email from info@classwallet.com, parents will follow the steps outlined in the email to activate their account and accept the PDSES funds. PDSES program funds may only be used through the online marketplace on ClassWallet. Parents will not receive a gift/debit card, nor can parents be reimbursed for purchases made outside of the ClassWallet marketplace.

What services or goods are eligible for parents to buy using their online accounts?

For guidelines about what goods can be purchased, please see the .

PDSES funds are intended to benefit the eligible student’s education. Parents may purchase educationally relevant products, technologies, and/or services. For example, a parent may want to purchase additional hours of occupational therapy for their student, or may want to purchase educational products that fit their student’s needs, such as a computer, tablet, headphones, school supplies, books, educational games, sensory items, etc.

Services paid for with PDSES funds MUST provide a direct educational benefit to the student. Services which are not educational, such as daycare; or services that do not provide a direct educational benefit such as legal advocacy fees or evaluation/assessment fees are NOT able to be paid with PDSES funds.

If there is a question regarding whether PDSES funds can pay for goods or services, it is recommended parents check with the PDSES staff beforehand by emailing PDSESpurchasing@region10.org.

All orders are reviewed by PDSES staff. PDSES staff approves or denies each item or service based on providing an educational benefit. Further justification for some goods and/or services might be requested. It is recommended that parents include justification on the original order submission.

Which stores are on the ClassWallet marketplace?

View the list of on the ClassWallet marketplace.

Additionally, PDSES has more stores/vendors, called , who offer educational and therapeutic goods but are not on the general ClassWallet marketplace. These stores/vendors can be found on ClassWallet under “Pay Vendor”.

Can parents be reimbursed for goods and/or services they purchase with their own money?

No. The PDSES program does not allow reimbursements for goods or services. Parents can only use the funds in their online ClassWallet account to purchase goods and services from PDSES approved service providers and vendors.

Articles or other marketing materials from ClassWallet that refer to reimbursements do not apply to the Texas PDSES program.

How can a parent submit an invoice for an eligible service provider?

View for help submitting a service provider invoice.

Parents must upload a clear and easy-to-read copy of the service provider’s invoice to the ClassWallet marketplace that includes:

  • Name of the PDSES approved service provider
  • Name of the student receiving the service or therapy
  • Dates of service (must have already happened)
  • Service or therapy type
  • Service pricing including the price per unit of service
  • Total amount of the invoice

The invoice amount must match the amount requested, unless it is more than the amount of PDSES funds remaining in the purse balance. In this case, the account holder will use all remaining PDSES funds and then pay the remaining balance directly to the service provider using personal funds. We recommend adding this in the justification section.

Invoices that might be hard to read can also be emailed to PDSESpurchasing@region10.org. Parents are encouraged to add the order number in the subject line or in the body of the email.

How long does it take to approve goods and/or services ordered on ClassWallet?

Approval of purchases can take up to 30 business days. Parents wondering where their purchased and approved items are can reach out to ClassWallet directly by calling (877) 969-5536 or emailing help@classwallet.com.

Parents will never need to pay upfront; the online marketplace will transfer funds directly to the approved vendors or service providers. However, if a purchase is greater than the funds in the account, the account holder will need to pay the remaining balance using personal funds.

A device or item purchased with PDSES funds was broken, lost, or stolen. Can it be replaced?

Requests to purchase replacements for items that get damaged, lost, or stolen will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, but are not usually approved. It is strongly recommended that when purchasing electronics, parents also purchase a warranty and a durable case (if applicable) for the item. Note: some vendors do not offer protection plans for items purchased with PDSES funds.

All purchases are subject to the

Is there a time limit to spend funds?

Yes. Every account has an expiration date. This is noted as a “purse” in ClassWallet – Parents will also receive multiple emails telling them when their account expires.

Funding timelines may change for a variety of reasons. Should an expiration date change, it will be communicated in multiple ways by email, text, and phone calls.

Questions about service providers

How does a service provider become approved for the PDSES program?

The PDSES program is looking for service providers to provide tutoring, therapy, or other services that provide a direct educational benefit to PDSES eligible students. These include:

  • Paraprofessionals and special education assistants
  • Licensed/certified service providers (therapists)
  • Academic tutors
  • Providers of specialized services

Service providers who wish to apply to become approved should visit Criteria and Information on Becoming a Service Provider or Vendor where they can read about the criteria for approval and begin the process.

Parents who need help finding or adding a service provider for their student should contact the PDSES team at PDSESHelp@region10.org or call 1-855-773-3839.

View the .

Do service providers get a background check?

Yes. The PDSES program ensures that only appropriate service providers work with students in the PDSES program. One of those steps is making sure each service provider has passed a background check. Service providers working for a company or clinic get background checks when they are hired. Most individual PDSES service providers are required to have a license or certification which also requires a background check. PDSES may ask individual service providers who do not hold a license or certification that requires a background check to submit one directly to the PDSES program.

What if a parent cannot find their child’s current service provider or a service provider in their area?

Parents should start by searching the list of .

Parents who need help finding or adding a service provider for their child can contact the PDSES team at PDSESHelp@region10.org or call 1-855-773-3839.

If a student already receives services with a service provider who is not yet on the PDSES marketplace, parents can ask them to sign up to be a service provider on the marketplace. If a service provider needs help completing the approval process, please reach out to PDSESHelp@region10.org.

Service providers must be approved by the PDSES program and on ClassWallet in order to be paid using PDSES funds.

Do public school teachers or service providers qualify to be PDSES service providers?

Yes, public school teachers and service providers do qualify to provide tutoring or services. They must apply to become a service provider using the correct credentials.

PDSES recommends that teachers and therapists do not provide PDSES services to students on their current caseloads and/or rosters. Doing so has the potential to lead to conflicts of interest between the family and their employer.

PDSES recommends that teachers and therapists review relevant district and school policies as well as professional standards before applying and/or providing services.

Must tutors have a special education certification to provide services?

Anyone providing academic tutoring must have a current, valid Texas Educator Certificate (TEC). However, it is not required that an academic tutor have a special education certification.

Is there a maximum per hour charge for services provided?

All invoices and receipts for goods and services are evaluated by the PDSES program staff. Vendors and service providers will be denied access if they are found to charge excessive rates.

SSES Contact Information
Contact Information

If you have additional questions or need help, email us atPDSEShelp@region10.org or call SPEDTex at 1-855-773-3839.

SpedTex Special Education Information Center

Special Education or IEP-Related Questions?

Phone: 1-855-SPEDTEX (1-855-773-3839)